Regaining Your Lost Song

When our family moved from Florida to North Carolina, we realized after a few days that our blue Parakeet was being awfully quiet. Tweety, as we called him, had always…

Buster Douglas & Me

I’ll never forget the day I met James “Buster” Douglas for the first time. His fiancé, Bertha, worked for my dad and me in our law office in Columbus, Ohio,…

Transitions…or Not?

I have a love-hate relationship with transitions. Whenever friends tell me they are going through “transitions” in their life, my heart goes out to them. I’ve been there and done…

Let’s Make 2015 a LEAP YEAR!

I love the story of Mary, pregnant with Jesus, visiting her cousin Elizabeth, who was pregnant with the baby who would become John the Baptist. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting,…