Today I spoke on Google Meets to a group of Pakistani Christians I had never met, and I asked the Lord to show me beforehand what the people would be like. As I prayed, He quickly displayed a radiant group of kings and queens, complete with crowns, tiaras, and all the normal royal garments.
However, the believers looked quite different than that during the call. I’m pretty sure they didn’t see themselves as kings and queens, sons and daughters of the most high God. Yet that’s how the Lord saw them.
One day, Jesus looked at His unimpressive handful of disciples-what He called His “little flock”-and gave them a startling promise: The Father was going to fill them with the Holy Spirit and give them a supernatural kingdom that would fill the entire earth (Acts 1:8, Luke 22:32).
Peter would later add that God’s people are “a royal priesthood,” called to “declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light” (1 Peter 2:9).
God greatly challenged me through my time with the Pakistani Christians today, and I hope He will challenge you as well: Do we see the people around us as He sees them?
Friend, I’m confident there are some kings and queens in your family, your city, your church, and your neighborhood-royalty! Do you treat them that way?
Lord, have mercy on us. Give us eyes to see people as You do.

Jim, this is such beautiful and hopeful post. You ARE reaching the other side of the world!