Man looking frustrated at his smartphone.

My Dystopian Dream

A man sitting on the ground looking at his phone.

Over the years, most of my dreams have been the result of eating pizza too close to bedtime. Try as I would, I seldom could find any spiritual significance. However, this week’s dream was different, and it’s going to stick with me forever.

I dreamed of a dystopian world where there was great stress and conflict. But then I realized there was only a single difference between this future world and the one we live in today. While everything else was completely the same, this one critical difference had dramatically impacted everyone, and in a very negative way.

In my dream, just one company in the world manufactured the cables needed to charge cell phones. Even though it was unclear exactly why, this company suddenly went out of business. People still had their old charger cables, but gradually those wore out and quit working.

People’s cell phones quickly lost their charge and became worthless.

The lack of cell phone cables soon had a catastrophic impact all across the earth. The existing cables were now worth their weight in gold. Desperate to get power to their phones again, people would kill or steal to get their hands on any cable that still worked.

Scary as it might sound, don’t you think some people would literally kill to get their dead cell phone to work again?

When I woke up, I instantly understood what the dream meant. Our church’s life-changing discipleship model is called PRIME, and the first element is Prayer, our connection with God. PRIME teaches that unless we begin with a connection to the Lord, everything else in our life will become distorted and dysfunctional.

Our connection with God is the one thing that changes everything.

You see, we’re a lot like a highly advanced smart phone, created with great potential. However, just like the phones in my dream, our full potential is only realized if we’re connected to Him as our Power Source.

Long before the invention of cell phones, Jesus described this principle of divine connection:

“Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me…without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:4-5).

Without the power cord, your cell phone will soon be dead. Without maintaining your connection to God, you’ll end up spiritually dead as well.

Fortunately, there’s still time to wake up from that bad dream. We can restore our lost potential by prioritizing our vital connection with our Creator.

P.S. Through PRIME discipleship training, you can learn more about how to strengthen your connection with God, People, Truth, Character, and Ministry. This launches here in Charlotte at Mission Community Church on Wednesday, October 13. For information and registration, visit Even if you attend another church – or no church at all – we would love to have you join us.