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Do You Need More of God’s Favor?

The Intriguing Message of “Annuit Coeptis”

I can’t tell you for sure whether America’s Founding Fathers were influenced by the New Age or infiltrated by the Illuminati. But some of the Latin phrases they used are pretty intriguing.

Recently I took a look at Annuit Coeptis, which is found on the Great Seal and the back of our dollar bills. This Latin phrase can be translated “He (or Providence) favors our undertakings” or “He has prospered our endeavors.”

Wow. Our Founders somehow realized they never would have succeeded without divine favor. This recognition of the need for God’s favor should be our testimony as well.

A psalm attributed to Moses reflects this passion very well:

May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us—yes, establish the work of our hands (Psalm 90:17).

Of course, there are two sides of this “favor” issue. In one sense, if we are positioned in Christ, we already have as much of God’s favor as we could ever have (Romans 8:31-32). It’s surely not a commodity we can earn.

Yet we’re also given examples in Scripture of people—including Jesus Himself—who “GREW in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man” (Luke 2:52). Isn’t it good to know you can have MORE of God’s favor tomorrow than you have today?

So my prayer for you is that you recognize the incredible favor God offers you through your position in His beloved Son (Matthew 3:17). And then may you GROW in His wisdom, so you can experience an ever-increasing outpouring of His favor on your endeavors.

Annuit Coeptis can be the testimony of your life!





  1. omodele isola

    Thank you for this explanation..! May the Lord continue to give you Divine Wisdom.

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