Dancing with the STAR

I’m a terrible dancer. And no, I’m not just being humble either. I really am a terrible dancer.

Recently a friend encouraged me to try some dance lessons to improve my skills, but I can’t imagine lessons doing me much good.

The first recollection of my woeful dancing was when I was 10 years old, singing and dancing in Kenley Players’ productions in Columbus, Ohio. Four thousand people a night would be on hand to watch me, Betty White, and others.

My acting was pretty good in those days. My singing was adequate. But my dancing…? Well, let’s just say I’m glad no YouTube videos are available.

Another traumatic experience happened when I was in my twenties and invited by friends to a large square dance where over 100 avid dancers were present. Although I never cared much for square dances, I thought it would be a good chance for some fun and fellowship.

When the dancing began, I was distressed to discover that those in my group were lousy square-dancers. There was always someone out of place, and things always degenerated into chaos by the middle of the song. This was even more frustrating because the other groups all seemed to be having a great time, and only my group was having problems.

Finally my opportunity came to change groups, and I eagerly did so. But to my dismay, the second group was also composed of inept people, and our dances again broke down. Yet I would look around and, sure enough, the other groups were doing just fine.

Before the night was over, I had been in four or five different groups, but for some reason I always ended up with people who couldn’t dance well! And it was baffling that all the other groups ran so smoothly.

Not until a few days later did I finally realize what had taken place: I had carried around the problems with me from group to group. While I assumed everyone else was causing the problems, I myself was the dysfunctional dancer!

So you can understand why I’m reluctant to resume my dance initiatives anytime soon.

Nevertheless, I’m intrigued by the amazing success of ABC’s “Dancing with the Stars” TV show. For 10 years now, professional dancers have trained celebrities who have various levels of dancing experience and aptitude. The improvement is often astounding, not only for the celebrities who are athletes, but even for those who are complete klutzes.

So could there be hope for someone like ME, after all?

Meanwhile, I’ve recently been seeing how my relationship with the Lord is supposed to be like a dance. While believers often talk about “walking” with Christ, isn’t the Christian life meant to be more akin to dancing?

Rather than just plodding along in a straight line, we’re meant to hear heaven’s serenade and flow in the rhythm of an unseen world. Responding to our heavenly Bridegroom, we’re called upon to move, twirl, jump, spin, and bow, all in accord with the divine music we’re hearing.

Will we sometimes get the dance moves wrong? Yes! Will we often step on our Partner’s toes? Of course!

But we’ve been given a dance instructor who has perfect patience and grace. And since He’s the Star, we don’t need to be. We just need to pay attention and remain teachable. Sooner or later, we’ll get the moves right—if we don’t quit dancing.

So quit comparing yourself to the other dancers around you. Instead, listen for heaven’s song today and your Instructor’s tender words of affirmation, “May I have this dance?”



  1. Don Wright


    His strong arm upholds us and it is in his arms that we can surrender our bent to lead and follow as he leads with grace and confidence. I know I could dance if I was willing to consistently give Him the lead.

    My wife and I don’t dance particularly well because she always tries to lead. Frankly, as bad as I dance, it probably would work better if I would let her. But He does lead and he makes us all able to dance when we relax and flow with Him in harmony with His movement. It is a very inspiring thought!

    Thanks for the reminder!


    • Great observations, Don. I pray we both learn to “relax and flow with Him in harmony with His movements.”

  2. Papa john

    Good reminder, Let me be patient!

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