George Zimmerman and Me

A revealing personal look at life & leadership I find myself sympathetic to George Zimmerman, because I made some of the same fundamental errors many years go. No, I didn’t…

Do You Have Skin in the Game?

Attributed to renowned investor Warren Buffet, “skin in the game” is a term describing the willingness of a company’s top executives to invest some of their own money in a…

Take Off the Training Wheels!

Good leaders are like training wheels on a bicycle. They are a indispensable to get you started, but they’re removed once you’re able to ride on your own. The transition…

Train Your Replacement!

The mighty prophet Elijah had been used by God in some dramatic ways: proclaiming to King Ahab that there would be no rain until further notice; multiplying a widow’s meager…

Aristotle & the Art of Persuasion

Crucial lessons on raising your leadership impact Whether you’re a preacher, a politician, an entrepreneur, or simply a haggard employee in hopes of getting a promotion, you need to understand…