God’s Love Songs

With the approaching of Valentine’s Day, I found myself Googling “The Greatest Love Songs of All Time.” Wow. Pretty interesting list. Many of the “secular” love songs could be described…

Transitions…or Not?

I have a love-hate relationship with transitions. Whenever friends tell me they are going through “transitions” in their life, my heart goes out to them. I’ve been there and done…

Is God Stirring Your Nest?

Don’t get too comfortable. That seems to be what God is saying to many of us these days. He’s reminding us that our comfort zones can easily become our coffins…

Lessons From a Trapeze Artist

I recently found myself humming an old tune, which is an apt prophetic picture of where many of us presently find ourselves: He flies through the air with the greatest…

Called & Equipped

Are YOU Ready for the Ministry God Has Called You To? The Bible makes it absolutely clear that every believer is called to “ministry” of one kind or another (1…