Speaker discussing personal growth and legacy.

A Brief Ministry Report

A man in red shirt holding a book while standing next to a projector screen.

Dear friends and ministry partners,

This has been an incredible time in my life, full of opportunities to impact people through written and spoken messages based on God’s Word. In just the past month, I’ve been able to preach 10 times, most recently during a fruitful ministry trip to Virginia.

At Oasis Church in Christiansburg, Virginia, I preached on getting unstuck. The pastor, John Coleman, sent me this encouraging testimony from a woman named Amanda who was blessed by my message:

No longer spiritually paralyzed… “Have you ever felt paralyzed? I have. I was frozen, unable to move forward in my life. I was at a complete standstill. But today at Oasis Church we had an amazing guest speaker, Jim Buchan. I couldn’t help but relate to his story from Mark 2 about the paralyzed man who was carried to Jesus by four friends. Today I feel like I found Jesus again! I found His warmth and kindness at Oasis, and I hope many friends will join me there for rest, refreshment, and restoration in the days ahead.”

Recently a woman named Rhonda wrote to me on my website in response to a blog entitled “When Your Brook Dries Up”:

Set free from discouragement and frustration… “I’m in a season in my life when I’ve been seeking anything to help me understand the ministry God has birthed in me. Tonight, all of a sudden, I heard a voice say, “What do you do when the brook dries up?” I decided to Google that statement, and it led me to the article on your website about Elijah. Oh, my God! It was just what I needed, a new insight and revelation about what is happening in my life. Before reading your article, I had been getting depressed and frustrated, feeling that perhaps I had done something wrong. But your article helped put an end to my questioning and soul-searching. Thank you so very much!”

Starting in January, I began pursuing a 3-year plan to get more of my books in print. Slowly but surely, the dream is being realized. In just the past few weeks, two new books have become available on Amazon:

“¢ Attracting God’s Best: What the Bible Says About the Law of Attraction. This book isn’t for everyone, but I think it will be life-changing for many. (https://amzn.to/2AgXIpv)

“¢ The Church Split Cure: How to Prevent, Survive, or Recover from Congregational Conflict (available immediately as an ebook and in print in just a few weeks). Every year, millions of people around the world suffer the anguish of conflicts in their church. Sometimes even long-time friendships are broken in the process. The seeds of this message were sown in my life 25 years ago – and now my traumatic experiences have made it possible to bring hope and healing to countless people who are dealing with ministry conflicts. (https://amzn.to/2OvM7M5)

If you read my books and like them, it would be great for you to write a review on Amazon. Of course, if you DON’T like my books, please forget the reviews and just write to me directly with your comments!

In addition to these great opportunities to touch people’s lives through my own writing and preaching, I love being a part of Mission Community Church and serving at Inspiration Ministries. This year over TWO MILLION PEOPLE – from 200 nations and territories – will click the button at the end of the Inspiration Ministries evangelistic videos to indicate a decision to make Jesus their Lord and Savior! There also will be millions of views of our daily discipleship and Bible teaching videos by David Cerullo. It’s such a privilege to be a part of this impactful worldwide ministry.

It has cost some money to get my books ready for publication, and perhaps you would want to help with these expenses. To become a monthly or one-time financial partner of Crosslink Ministries (my nonprofit, tax-deductible organization), all you need to do is click the DONATE button on this secure website.

Thankful to Him – and to YOU!
